Grammarly Can Help Students Expand Their Understanding of the Written Word

Copywriting Example, Encouraging Educators to Use Grammarly.

Rebecca Fox

4/14/20242 min read

Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile: by Oladimeji Ajegbile:

If you have ever found your students, or even yourself, struggling with getting that final polish of your essays or emails, then Grammarly is a tool that can help. It offers “AI-powered writing assistance” which helps with becoming a more effective communicator. It aids in the correction of grammar mistakes, expands on the correction with helpful information that the writer can take away with them, and also boosts the confidence of the writer. 

Writing Skills Level Up.  

With Grammarly, when the written piece is submitted for an edit check, it will proofread the work for grammar mistakes and misspellings. If there is a commonly misused and confusing word in the text, it will advise you of it, and you can decide if it is used in the way you intended or make the change suggested. 

Teach Them to Fish. 

Grammarly doesn’t just tell you what is wrong in the piece, but it also tells you why so you can make an informed decision when you correct it. With each correction comes a mini grammar lesson that can help you grow in your writing. With its AI-powered assistance, it can help you grow your ideas and even offer suggestions to break it into a more well-rounded piece. 

You Have It Within You. 

With all that Grammarly does in proofreading the work at hand and helping to educate so that the writer grows and advances in their writing, you can bet that confidence is a wonderful side- effect of using it. The feedback is real-time, so as the writer works on their piece, they are learning and growing. It allows the writer to have the freedom to pour their ideas down and have an editing service that will ensure they are putting their best-written foot forward. 

In a Nutshell.  

With the internet, social media and text messages changing the way we communicate to shortcuts and fast typing, Grammarly can ensure the way we write maintains the professional edge that is needed. The focus on grammar, punctuation, and spelling can be left in the AI-powered hands, leaving you to help develop the writer’s voice with full confidence.  
